“The Musical Language of The Dead”
- Year: 2014
- Location: Kurimanzutto/JRP Ringier/Museo Tamayo
- Collaborators: Carlos Amorales, Kurimanzutto, Museo Tamayo
Catalog essay for Germinal, an exhibition by Mexico City artist Carlos Amorales. Museo Tamayo. Published in Germinal, edited by José Kuri and Monica Manzutto.
This is the dream worth having. The saturation of violence, the pallor of death, the frailty of the State that have emerged as the perverse bi-products of neo-liberalism’s privatization of life– where the only definition of value that anyone uses anymore is an economic one– are all tragic opportunities for a building anew. They are economic and moral earthquakes that require a new structure of social and political imagination. Is the drug war the opening act for a revolution? Is the drug war the overture that sets up an aria of anarchism?