Black and Brown in Los Angeles: Beyond Conflict and Coalition

  • Year: 2013
  • Location: UC Press
  • Collaborators: Laura Pulido

Collection of essays co-edited with Laura Pulido.

“The essays all merit individual reviews, which is not possible, but it is just as well because they should be read as one. Highly recommended.”—CHOICE

“Exceeds [its] categories and adds to an emerging corpus of comparative knowledge . . . the book shows what interdisciplinary scholarship can do for America’s understanding of itself, especially when it comes to culturally promiscuous, ethnically heterogeneous megapolises like LA.”—Ryan Boyd The Los Angeles Review

“One of the most persuasive cultural conversations of the history of ‘black’ and ‘brown’ cross-racial formations in Los Angeles from the early twentieth-century to the present day. Josh Kun and Laura Pulido’s skill in connecting diverse materials and theories by economists, historians, and ethnic studies scholars, the suggestiveness of many of the essayists’ insights and their passionate convictions about ethnicity and race in planetary California make Black and Brown in Los Angeles a timely, exciting, and groundbreaking book.” –José David Saldívar, director of the Center for Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, Stanford University

“In this anthology, two of the foremost progressive scholars of Southern California draw attention to an extraordinary range of interactions between African Americans and Latinos in Southern California. From banking and professional football fandom to residential segregation and popular music, Black and Brown Los Angeles does far more than highlight the paucity of conversations based upon the limited language of “conflict” or “cooperation.” Rather, this book offers a crucial roadmap for negotiating the complicated terrain of America’s most important racial metropolis.” –Daniel Widener, author of Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Los Angeles